What is MIRDEC?
Masters International Research and Development Center MIRDEC is the locus of research for collaborative groups of academic and bussiness world pushing the frontiers of knowledge forward.
MIRDEC main mission is to promote research and disseminate knowledge for improving scientific exertion. To accomplish our mission MIRDEC organizes conferences and giving opportunities for researchers to exchange ideas and present their results of scientific research. MIRDEC conferences enable participants to network and collaborate with colleagues from academic and bussiness world and develop research collaboration.
Masters International Group:
Masters International Research and Development Center
Masters International Publishing
Masters International Research and Development Center (MIRDEC) organized 20 conferences in European cities: Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Barcelona, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Istanbul. Colleagues from more than 70 countries attended MIRDEC conferences.
Values of MIRDEC
* Inclusive action
* Promoting academic collaboration
* Research ethic.
* Fairness
* Integrity
* Encouraging teamwork
Masters International R & D:
* MIRDEC organizes international academic conferences.
* MIRDEC publishes conference proceedings under MIRDEC Publications.
* MIRDEC provides and creates collaborative environment for our colleagues.
* MIRDEC provides opportunities for participants to publish their research in academic journals.
Masters International Research & Development Center, MIRDEC Conferences Proceedings are now indexed in Web of Secience, Conference Proceedings Citation Index(CPCI).
MIRDEC Budapest 2017
MIRDEC Madrid 2017
MIRDEC Vienna 2017
MIRDEC Rome 2018
MIRDEC Barcelona 2018
MIRDEC Rome 2019
are now in Web of Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
Thank you to our participants, authors, editors, advisory board, referee board and other contributors