MIRDEC-14th, International Academic Conference on
Contemporary Trends and Multidisciplinary Issues in Social Sciences
(Global Meeting of Social Science Community)
08-10 October 2019, Istanbul, Turkey

Prof. Rosa Fagundes
Metropolitan State University
United States of America

Dr. Imdat Dogan
Finance and investment executive
Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Mirela Tase
Universiteti Aleksander Moisiu Durres, Albania

Prof. Rengin Ak
Kırklareli University

Onyeka Nwelue
School of Cinematographic Studies, Queensland University,
Prof. Rosa Fagundes
PROFESSOR of EDUCATION and TESOL - August 2002 – Present (Tenured)
Urban Teacher Program (UTP) former Department Chair (2015-2018); teach graduate and undergraduate courses in the School of Urban Education (UED); developed the ESL Minor; and ESL Additional License, both standard-based programs; conduct curriculum review and continuous assessment; advise students (undergraduate & graduate); work closely with public schools, community colleges, and state universities; participate in articulation agreements with two-year institutions and other partnerships; contribute to department, institution, and community, by serving in committees within department, across university, and State of Minnesota; has supervised student teachers; has been member of the International Study and Exchange Committee, Library Committee, state-wide Multicultural Issues Committee. Active in research and at presenting at local, national (US based), and international professional meetings and conferences. Metropolitan State University, MN.
Some researches of Prof. Fagundes
Developing Sensitivity towards People with Disabilities. Article Published on the Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Fall 2002 Newsletter, GIFFTS (Great Ideas For Freeing Teachers and Students).
Teaching ESL Through Live International Video Conferencing. Presentation conducted at The Seventh EFL Skills Conference: Integrating EFL Skills: Teaching, Management, and Technology for the Future, at The American University of Cairo, Egypt, January, 2001.
Strategies in the Teaching of English. Reading in the Classroom; Assessment in ESL. After 8 weeks of consulting with Costa Rica educators, a series of workshops were planned and delivered. They were attended by teachers and administrators coming from all areas of Costa Rica. Workshops were conducted at the Universidad de Cosa Rica, Sede del Pacifico, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, March, 2000.
Multiple Intelligences in ESL. Theoretical foundations, recent findings, practical classroom applications. Research paper presented at the Early Childhood Conference, Joplin, MO, October, 1999.
An International Comparison on Student Interest. Analysis of a problem found with almost every classroom, based on answers collected from a questionnaire responded by 300 anonymous educators. Research paper presented at the 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan. August 1999.
PUBLICATION - Survey on Successful Classroom Strategies. Article published in the Summer 1999 issue of MidTESOL Matters.
Let's Hear What Our Students Are Saying! Paper presented at MO TESOL Conference, Springfield, MO, March 1999.
Investigating and Sustaining ESL Student Interest in the Classroom. Research paper presented at the 29th Annual CATESOL Conference, Pasadena, CA. April 1998.
Understanding and Developing Freire's Ideally Educated Person. Served as panel moderator and presented How ESL Programs contribute to this ideal. Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, Omaha, NE. March 1998.
Is Reading Aloud Really Necessary in as Oral English Proficiency Test? Research paper presented at the MidTESOL Conference, Grand Island, NE. October 1997.
English Around the World: Pedagogical Concerns, Language Issues, Theories, Methodologies, and Applications. Workshop presented at UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 1997.
Reading in the Classroom: Implications and Issues for the ESL Student. Research paper presented at the International Reading Association Conference, Cassville, MO. February 1997.
Setting the New TSE Score Requirement at Iowa State University. Research paper presented at the MidTESOL Conference, Kansas City, MO. October 1996.
Using Focus Groups: A Practical Qualitative Research Technique. Workshop and research paper presented at the TESOL Conference, Chicago, 11. March 1996.
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION - An Investigation of Selected Variables Used as Predictors of Success on the SPEAK and TEACH Tests. April 1994.
Evaluating the Oral Proficiency of International Students: Live Interview Testing or Tape Recorded Testing? Paper presented at the MidTESOL Conference, Lincoln, NE. October 1993.
MASTER'S THESIS - Strategies Used in the SPEAK Test: A Discourse Analysis. April 1989.
Strategic Competence of the SPEAK Test: An Exploration of Construct Validity. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium, San Antonio, TX, March 1989.
Dr. Imdat Dogan
is finance and investment executive having extensive experience with many asset classes including stocks, bonds, options, FX, futures and private and public funds at the most prestigious investment banks and investment management houses on wall street such as Goldman Sachs & Co., Deutsche Bank, Prudential Equity Group and BlackRock. He is a project initiator, key contact point and executive advisor for portfolio investments, FDI, VC&PE funding & management opportunities in USA, Europe and MENA region in many sectors including banking, financials, insurance, energy, technology, industrials and utilities spaces. Dr. Ä°mdat DoÄŸan holds an MBA degree in finance & investments and PhD degree in banking and finance.
Selected Works and Presentations:
Investigation of the Relationship between Islamic Work Ethics and Work Alienation: The Example of the Banking Sector in Kırıkkale Province, 2019 (Joint Work).
Analysis of Measures taken for Terrorism Financing Activities: The Case of Turkey, 2019 (Joint Work).
NGO Institutional Case Study: A Case of Central Anatolia Region, Turkey, 2019 (Joint Work).
The Effect of Psychological Contract Opposition on Organizational Dissent, 2019 (Joint Work).
Conference Chair, 13th RSEP International Conference on Business, Economics & Finance, June 2019.
Conference Chair, 10th RSEP International Social Sciences Conference, Bangkok, January 2019.
Conference Session Chair, 9th RSEP International Social Sciences Conference, Rome, November 2018.
Work-Family Conflict and Workaholism in Organizations: Demographic Differences, 2018 (Joint Work).
A Review of Regional Innovation Systems and Economic Growth in Selected Countries, 2018 (Joint Work).
Testing the Merger Premiums in Publicly Traded Firms: The Case of U.S. Commercial Banks, 2018.
Financial and Socio-Economic Aspects of NGOs: Analysis of Mediterranean Region, 2018 (Joint Work).
Work-Family Conflict and Workaholism Levels of Finance and Accounting Professionals, 2018 (Joint Work).
IAEE/GARP Autumn School, Financial and Regulatory Risk in Energy, Lecturer, Istanbul, October 2018.
TUGVA Energy Workshop, Energy Economics and Risk Management, Lecturer, Istanbul, October 2018.
Conference Chair, 8th RSEP International Social Sciences Conference, Barcelona, September 2018.
Risks in Electricity Markets, Workshop (ISTRADE), Moderator, Istanbul, April 2018.
Transform from Developing Country Status to Developed Country Status, 2018.
TUGVA Energy Academics, Lecturer, Istanbul, March 2018.
Portfolio Optimization: “Does the Size of Stocks Universe Matter?”, 2018.
The Economical Effects of Public Investments on TRA2 Region in Turkey, 2018.
Investigation of Workaholism in Accounting Professional Members in Terms of Various Variables, 2018.
TUGVA Conference on Energy Economics, 2017.
Value Creation in U.S. Bank Mergers Before and After the Global Financial Crisis, 2017.
Neutrality of Money for US Economy, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017.
Relationship between the Istanbul Chamber of Wholesale General Price Index and its Components: Asymmetric Conditional Correlation Analysis on Turkey, 1968-2015, 2017.
Effects of Ownership Structure on Banks’ Performance: The Case of Turkish Deposit Banks, 2014.
Economic Impact Analysis of Marmaray Project, Ankara, 2013.
Economic Impact Analysis of Terrorism in Turkey, Ankara, 2013.
Futures, Forwards and Swaps in International Corporate Finance, Ankara, 2013.
Literature Review of Hedging Techniques with Particular Emphasis on Forward and Futures, Ankara, 2013.
Historical Review of Global Banking Activities, Ankara, 2013.
International Portfolio Investment Project with American Depository Receipts, Ankara, 2013.
Growth and Synergy in Corporations, Ankara, 2013.
Credit Rating Agencies and Their Credibility in 2008 Financial Crisis, Ankara, 2012.
Credit Rating Agencies and Turkey, Ankara, 2012.
Credit Value at Risk, Ankara, 2012.
Dr. Mirela Tase works at the Aleksander Moisiu Univerity, Faculty of Business, Department of Tourism . Dr. Tase has co-authored a textbook and has published several articles in the field of tourism and education. Dr. Mirela Tase has authored or co-authored several books and over 40 publications in peer reviewed journals at regional, national and international conferences. Dr. Mirela Tase is editiorial board member in several journals in Europe. Some of the publications are:
1. The Adriatic Coast and Tourist Potentials in the Lagoon Ecosystems , Vol 9, No 1 (2019), ILIRIA INTERNATIONAL REVIEW (IIR) is an international scientific journal registered in Deutsche National Bibliothek with Print ISSN (2192-7081) and Online ISSN (2365-8592 in cooperation with Felix – Verlag (Germany).
2. , The development of higher education in Albania, problems and challenges,Journal of Education , Teaching and Social Studies, Vol, 1, No 1, 2019
3. The challenges of developing sustainable and safe tourism in Albania, Trakya University publications:200 isbn no: 978-975-374-229-0, year and place: 2018, edirne/türkiye
4. `Social Integration of Emigrants in their Society. Recommendations for Practice in Albania` Publication financed by The Maria Grzegorzewska University and UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair 2018
5. `Renewable Energies Resources and Future of Their Use. Albania Case Study`Volumi 1 2017
6. The dynamics of Albanian immigration after 90 years. Push and pull factors that influenced in this process ECOEI 2017 Instambul
7 . `The sorts of tourism in Albania in the context of climate change` Interdisplinary Journal of Research and Development “Alexander Moisiu“ University, Durrës, Albania Vol (IV), No.2, 2017
Participation at EU Green Week 2019, which held from 15th to 17th of May 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
Participant in The 4th EUSAIR Forum organized under the slogan »Integration for the people, development for the region 6-8 May 2019, Budva, Montenegro
Participant in 8th UNWTO International Meeting on Silk Road Tourism - Thessaloniki 9-12 October
Participant in 7th EUSDR Annual Forum (18 – 19 October, Sofia)funded by EU Commission
Participant in Round Table Main Gaps in research infrastructures in the Balkan Countries. Pantheon University 29 October , Athens
Participant in 2th International Congress on World Civilizations and Historic Routes 15-16 November Bulgaria 2018
Participant in Third UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture (3-5 December 2018, Istanbul, Republic of Turkey)
Participant in 8th Annual Forum for Danube region , Bucharest 27-28 2019
Prof. Rengin Ak
is actually working as full Professor at Kırklareli University, Turkey.
Ak, R.and Kara, E. “The Relationship Between Financial Development And Economic Growth: Econometric Model”, European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 54, Issue 4, 522-531, June (2011).
Ak, R., “Relationship Between Health Expenditures – Economic Growth: Econometric Model”, Int.J.Buss.Mgt.Eco.Res., Vol 3(1), 404-409, (2012).
Ak, R and Bingül, B. AK, “An Econometric Application to Education – Economic Growth Relationship in Turkey, African Journal of Business Management Vol.6 (29), pp. 8572-8579, 25 July, (2012).
Ak, R, Turk, A and Islatince, H.” Relationship between Regional Women Poverty and Economic Crisis: An Econometric Application on Turkey”, International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Volume. IV, Issue. 11, 1526 – 1536, November, (2013).
Türk, A, Bingül, B. AK ve
Ak, R., “Decoupling and Re-coupling Hypothesis During EU Financial Crises”, The Journal of European Theoretical and Applied Studies, Volume:5, Issue:1, 11-24, The Center for European Studies at Kirklareli University-Turkey, (2017).
Türk, A, Bingül, B. AK ve
Ak, R., “Türkiye’de Enflasyon ve Enerji Fiyatları Arasındaki Ä°liÅŸki”, Journal of Current Researches Social Sciences, Volume:8, Issue:1, 221-234, (2018).
Türk, A. ve Ak, R. “The Discouraged Worker Effect and the Added Worker Effect within the Framework of European Debt Crisis”, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Cilt.18, S:1, 522-534, Ocak, (2019).
Türk, A, Ak, R., ve Bingül, B. AK, Effects Of Development Agencıes On Women Poverty: Evıdence From Turkey, ICSSH2016, Internationa Conference on Social Science and Humanities, Skopje on 13-15 May 2016.
Ak, R. , Türk, A, ve Bingül, B. AK Alternatıve Methods For Elımınatıng Female Poverty: Applicability in Turkey, ICSSH2016, International Conference on Social Science and Humanities, Skopje on 13-15 May 2016.
Onyeka Nwelue is actually working at Queensland University, Haiti.
Nwelue, best known for his 2009 book, ‘Abyssinian Boy’, will be reading from his latest novel, ‘The Beginning of Everything Colorful.’
The author is also known for other such works as, ‘Hip Hop is for Children’, and ‘The Island of Happiness.’
Apart from writing books, Nwelue is also a film director, whose documentary film, ‘The House of Nwapa’, was nominated for the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA).